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Other General Surgical Procedures

1. Haemorrhoids / Piles Surgery

Haemorrhoids are swollen/enlarged veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal haemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External haemorrhoids develop outside of the anus.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids include painless bleeding per rectum, pain and itching around the anus, faecal leakage and painful bowel movements. If blood pools in an external haemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in thrombosed haemorrhoids which causes severe pain where emergency surgical intervention is needed.

Treatment ranges from simple diet modification and laxatives to surgeries depending upon the stage at which patient presentation. Surgery may be open hemorrhoidectomy, which is more traditional or stapler hemorrhoidectomy, which is more popular due to advantages like less pain and discomfort.

2. Fissure in Ano

An anal fissure (fissure-in-ano) is a small tear in the mucosa that lines the opening of the anus. Fissures typically cause severe pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Fissures are quite common in the general population, but are often confused with other causes of pain and bleeding, such as haemorrhoids/piles.

The typical symptoms of an anal fissure include pain and bleeding with bowel movements, most often when you pass hard stools. Patients experience severe pain during, and especially after a bowel movement, lasting from several minutes to a few hours. Patients often notice bright red blood from the anus that can be seen on the toilet paper or on the stool. Between bowel movements, patients with anal fissures are often relatively symptom-free.

Acute fissure may be managed medically whereas chronic fissure may require surgical intervention in the form of controlled division of the part of the internal anal sphincter muscle (sphincterotomy). The success rates reported to be over 90%.

3. Fistula in Ano

An anal fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus, the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin. It usually follows an infection that didn’t heal the right way.

Majority of the times fistula is caused by an abscess. It’s rare, but they can also come from conditions like tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, or an ongoing illness that affects your bowels, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms include pain, redness, fever, swelling and discharge of blood or pus from a hole near your anus. Surgery is usually required to treat anal fistula. There are two types of surgeries available. One is a traditional open method, where the muscles around fistula cut and fistula laid open. Other is laser method, which is increasingly popular nowadays because of advantages like no cuts or no stitches, less pain and early return to normal activity.

4. Diabetic foot ulcer

Foot ulcers are most commonly occur as a complication of poorly controlled diabetes, forming as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under your big toes and the balls of your feet, and they can affect your feet down to the bones.

Ulcers form due to a combination of various factors like lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation (such as friction or pressure), and trauma. The duration of diabetes also plays an important risk factor. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by increased blood glucose levels over time. The nerve damage often can occur without pain, and one may not even be aware of the problem.

All people with diabetes can develop foot ulcers and foot pain at one point in their lifetime, but good foot care can help prevent them. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes. It ranges from simple glycemic control to amputation in severe cases. In majority of patients appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer include prevention of infection, taking the pressure off the area, called “off-loading” footwear, managing blood glucose level and surgical debridement depending on the presentation.

5. Thyroidectomy / Thyroid Surgery

A thyroidectomy is an operation that involves the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. General, endocrine or head and neck surgeons often perform a thyroidectomy when a patient has thyroid cancer or some other condition of the thyroid gland or goiter.

A thyroidectomy is traditionally a minimally invasive surgery performed through a small horizontal incision in the front of the neck. The entire thyroid gland may be removed or just a single lobe, a portion of a lobe and the isthmus or other structures. Depending on the extent of the operation, patients may need to take the drug levothyroxine, an oral synthetic thyroid hormone.

6. Excision of lumps

Excision of lumps and bumps refers to any minor procedure for skin or subdermal lesions, such as warts, moles, cysts or lipomas. These are typically undertaken under local anaesthesia in a day surgery unit.

7. Pilonidal Sinus and Abscess

A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. A pilonidal cyst usually contains hair, dirt, and debris. It can cause severe pain and can often become infected. If it becomes infected, it may ooze pus and blood and have a foul odor.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

8. Skin Grafting

Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it, or transplanting it, to a different area of the body. This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

9. Incision and Drainage for Abscess

An abscess is a confined collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. Most abscesses are found on the extremities, buttocks, breast, axilla, groin, and areas prone to friction or minor trauma, but they may be found in any area of the body. Abscesses are formed when the skin is invaded by microorganisms. Cellulitis may precede or occur in conjunction with an abscess. The two most common microorganisms leading to abscess formation are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

Treatment of an abscess is primarily through incision and drainage (I&D;). Smaller abscesses (5 mm) may resolve spontaneously with the application of warm compresses and antibiotic therapy. Larger abscesses will require I&D; as a result of an increase in collection of pus, inflammation, and formation of the abscess cavity, which lessens the success of conservative measures.

10. Wound Debridement

Debridement is the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin tissue to help a wound heal. It's also done to remove foreign material from tissue. The procedure is essential for wounds that aren't getting better. Usually, these wounds are trapped in the first stage of healing. When bad tissue is removed, the wound can restart the healing process.

11. Lymph node Biopsy

Lymph node biopsy is a test in which a lymph node or a piece of a lymph node is removed for examination under a microscope. The lymphatic system is made up of several lymph nodes connected by lymph vessels. The nodes produce white blood cells that fight infections.

12. Varicose Veins Surgery

Surgery. If endothermal ablation treatments and sclerotherapy are unsuitable for you, you'll usually be offered a surgical procedure called ligation and stripping to remove the affected veins. Varicose vein surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure.

13. Limb Amputation

Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventive surgery for such problems.

14. Surgery for Hydrocele

A hydrocele is a swelling in the scrotum, the thin sac that holds the testicles. It happens when too much fluid builds up inside. The condition is most common in newborns, though it can happen to anyone with a scrotum.

It may sound or look serious, even painful, but it won’t hurt your baby. It might go away on its own, though you should still see the doctor about it.

15. Circumcision

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesions are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off

1. Haemorrhoids / Piles Surgery

Haemorrhoids are swollen/enlarged veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal haemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External haemorrhoids develop outside of the anus.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids include painless bleeding per rectum, pain and itching around the anus, faecal leakage and painful bowel movements. If blood pools in an external haemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in thrombosed haemorrhoids which causes severe pain where emergency surgical intervention is needed.

Treatment ranges from simple diet modification and laxatives to surgeries depending upon the stage at which patient presentation. Surgery may be open hemorrhoidectomy, which is more traditional or stapler hemorrhoidectomy, which is more popular due to advantages like less pain and discomfort.

2. Fissure in Ano

An anal fissure (fissure-in-ano) is a small tear in the mucosa that lines the opening of the anus. Fissures typically cause severe pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Fissures are quite common in the general population, but are often confused with other causes of pain and bleeding, such as haemorrhoids/piles.

The typical symptoms of an anal fissure include pain and bleeding with bowel movements, most often when you pass hard stools. Patients experience severe pain during, and especially after a bowel movement, lasting from several minutes to a few hours. Patients often notice bright red blood from the anus that can be seen on the toilet paper or on the stool. Between bowel movements, patients with anal fissures are often relatively symptom-free.

Acute fissure may be managed medically whereas chronic fissure may require surgical intervention in the form of controlled division of the part of the internal anal sphincter muscle (sphincterotomy). The success rates reported to be over 90%.

3. Fistula in Ano

An anal fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus, the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin. It usually follows an infection that didn’t heal the right way.

Majority of the times fistula is caused by an abscess. It’s rare, but they can also come from conditions like tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, or an ongoing illness that affects your bowels, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms include pain, redness, fever, swelling and discharge of blood or pus from a hole near your anus. Surgery is usually required to treat anal fistula. There are two types of surgeries available. One is a traditional open method, where the muscles around fistula cut and fistula laid open. Other is laser method, which is increasingly popular nowadays because of advantages like no cuts or no stitches, less pain and early return to normal activity.

4. Diabetic foot ulcer

Foot ulcers are most commonly occur as a complication of poorly controlled diabetes, forming as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under your big toes and the balls of your feet, and they can affect your feet down to the bones.

Ulcers form due to a combination of various factors like lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation (such as friction or pressure), and trauma. The duration of diabetes also plays an important risk factor. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by increased blood glucose levels over time. The nerve damage often can occur without pain, and one may not even be aware of the problem.

All people with diabetes can develop foot ulcers and foot pain at one point in their lifetime, but good foot care can help prevent them. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes. It ranges from simple glycemic control to amputation in severe cases. In majority of patients appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer include prevention of infection, taking the pressure off the area, called “off-loading” footwear, managing blood glucose level and surgical debridement depending on the presentation.

5. Thyroidectomy / Thyroid Surgery

A thyroidectomy is an operation that involves the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. General, endocrine or head and neck surgeons often perform a thyroidectomy when a patient has thyroid cancer or some other condition of the thyroid gland or goiter.

A thyroidectomy is traditionally a minimally invasive surgery performed through a small horizontal incision in the front of the neck. The entire thyroid gland may be removed or just a single lobe, a portion of a lobe and the isthmus or other structures. Depending on the extent of the operation, patients may need to take the drug levothyroxine, an oral synthetic thyroid hormone.

6. Excision of lumps

Excision of lumps and bumps refers to any minor procedure for skin or subdermal lesions, such as warts, moles, cysts or lipomas. These are typically undertaken under local anaesthesia in a day surgery unit.

7. Pilonidal Sinus and Abscess

A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. A pilonidal cyst usually contains hair, dirt, and debris. It can cause severe pain and can often become infected. If it becomes infected, it may ooze pus and blood and have a foul odor.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

8. Skin Grafting

Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it, or transplanting it, to a different area of the body. This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

9. Incision and Drainage for Abscess

An abscess is a confined collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. Most abscesses are found on the extremities, buttocks, breast, axilla, groin, and areas prone to friction or minor trauma, but they may be found in any area of the body. Abscesses are formed when the skin is invaded by microorganisms. Cellulitis may precede or occur in conjunction with an abscess. The two most common microorganisms leading to abscess formation are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

Treatment of an abscess is primarily through incision and drainage (I&D;). Smaller abscesses (5 mm) may resolve spontaneously with the application of warm compresses and antibiotic therapy. Larger abscesses will require I&D; as a result of an increase in collection of pus, inflammation, and formation of the abscess cavity, which lessens the success of conservative measures.

10. Wound Debridement

Debridement is the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin tissue to help a wound heal. It's also done to remove foreign material from tissue. The procedure is essential for wounds that aren't getting better. Usually, these wounds are trapped in the first stage of healing. When bad tissue is removed, the wound can restart the healing process.

11. Lymph node Biopsy

Lymph node biopsy is a test in which a lymph node or a piece of a lymph node is removed for examination under a microscope. The lymphatic system is made up of several lymph nodes connected by lymph vessels. The nodes produce white blood cells that fight infections.

12. Varicose Veins Surgery

Surgery. If endothermal ablation treatments and sclerotherapy are unsuitable for you, you'll usually be offered a surgical procedure called ligation and stripping to remove the affected veins. Varicose vein surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure.

13. Limb Amputation

Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventive surgery for such problems.

14. Surgery for Hydrocele

A hydrocele is a swelling in the scrotum, the thin sac that holds the testicles. It happens when too much fluid builds up inside. The condition is most common in newborns, though it can happen to anyone with a scrotum.

It may sound or look serious, even painful, but it won’t hurt your baby. It might go away on its own, though you should still see the doctor about it.

15. Circumcision

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesions are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off

1. Haemorrhoids / Piles Surgery

Haemorrhoids are swollen/enlarged veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal haemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External haemorrhoids develop outside of the anus.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids include painless bleeding per rectum, pain and itching around the anus, faecal leakage and painful bowel movements. If blood pools in an external haemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in thrombosed haemorrhoids which causes severe pain where emergency surgical intervention is needed.

Treatment ranges from simple diet modification and laxatives to surgeries depending upon the stage at which patient presentation. Surgery may be open hemorrhoidectomy, which is more traditional or stapler hemorrhoidectomy, which is more popular due to advantages like less pain and discomfort.

2. Fissure in Ano

An anal fissure (fissure-in-ano) is a small tear in the mucosa that lines the opening of the anus. Fissures typically cause severe pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Fissures are quite common in the general population, but are often confused with other causes of pain and bleeding, such as haemorrhoids/piles.

The typical symptoms of an anal fissure include pain and bleeding with bowel movements, most often when you pass hard stools. Patients experience severe pain during, and especially after a bowel movement, lasting from several minutes to a few hours. Patients often notice bright red blood from the anus that can be seen on the toilet paper or on the stool. Between bowel movements, patients with anal fissures are often relatively symptom-free.

Acute fissure may be managed medically whereas chronic fissure may require surgical intervention in the form of controlled division of the part of the internal anal sphincter muscle (sphincterotomy). The success rates reported to be over 90%.

3. Fistula in Ano

An anal fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus, the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin. It usually follows an infection that didn’t heal the right way.

Majority of the times fistula is caused by an abscess. It’s rare, but they can also come from conditions like tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, or an ongoing illness that affects your bowels, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms include pain, redness, fever, swelling and discharge of blood or pus from a hole near your anus. Surgery is usually required to treat anal fistula. There are two types of surgeries available. One is a traditional open method, where the muscles around fistula cut and fistula laid open. Other is laser method, which is increasingly popular nowadays because of advantages like no cuts or no stitches, less pain and early return to normal activity.

4. Diabetic foot ulcer

Foot ulcers are most commonly occur as a complication of poorly controlled diabetes, forming as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under your big toes and the balls of your feet, and they can affect your feet down to the bones.

Ulcers form due to a combination of various factors like lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation (such as friction or pressure), and trauma. The duration of diabetes also plays an important risk factor. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by increased blood glucose levels over time. The nerve damage often can occur without pain, and one may not even be aware of the problem.

All people with diabetes can develop foot ulcers and foot pain at one point in their lifetime, but good foot care can help prevent them. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes. It ranges from simple glycemic control to amputation in severe cases. In majority of patients appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer include prevention of infection, taking the pressure off the area, called “off-loading” footwear, managing blood glucose level and surgical debridement depending on the presentation.

5. Thyroidectomy / Thyroid Surgery

A thyroidectomy is an operation that involves the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. General, endocrine or head and neck surgeons often perform a thyroidectomy when a patient has thyroid cancer or some other condition of the thyroid gland or goiter.

A thyroidectomy is traditionally a minimally invasive surgery performed through a small horizontal incision in the front of the neck. The entire thyroid gland may be removed or just a single lobe, a portion of a lobe and the isthmus or other structures. Depending on the extent of the operation, patients may need to take the drug levothyroxine, an oral synthetic thyroid hormone.

6. Excision of lumps

Excision of lumps and bumps refers to any minor procedure for skin or subdermal lesions, such as warts, moles, cysts or lipomas. These are typically undertaken under local anaesthesia in a day surgery unit.

7. Pilonidal Sinus and Abscess

A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. A pilonidal cyst usually contains hair, dirt, and debris. It can cause severe pain and can often become infected. If it becomes infected, it may ooze pus and blood and have a foul odor.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

8. Skin Grafting

Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it, or transplanting it, to a different area of the body. This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

9. Incision and Drainage for Abscess

An abscess is a confined collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. Most abscesses are found on the extremities, buttocks, breast, axilla, groin, and areas prone to friction or minor trauma, but they may be found in any area of the body. Abscesses are formed when the skin is invaded by microorganisms. Cellulitis may precede or occur in conjunction with an abscess. The two most common microorganisms leading to abscess formation are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

Treatment of an abscess is primarily through incision and drainage (I&D;). Smaller abscesses (5 mm) may resolve spontaneously with the application of warm compresses and antibiotic therapy. Larger abscesses will require I&D; as a result of an increase in collection of pus, inflammation, and formation of the abscess cavity, which lessens the success of conservative measures.

10. Wound Debridement

Debridement is the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin tissue to help a wound heal. It's also done to remove foreign material from tissue. The procedure is essential for wounds that aren't getting better. Usually, these wounds are trapped in the first stage of healing. When bad tissue is removed, the wound can restart the healing process.

11. Lymph node Biopsy

Lymph node biopsy is a test in which a lymph node or a piece of a lymph node is removed for examination under a microscope. The lymphatic system is made up of several lymph nodes connected by lymph vessels. The nodes produce white blood cells that fight infections.

12. Varicose Veins Surgery

Surgery. If endothermal ablation treatments and sclerotherapy are unsuitable for you, you'll usually be offered a surgical procedure called ligation and stripping to remove the affected veins. Varicose vein surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure.

13. Limb Amputation

Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventive surgery for such problems.

14. Surgery for Hydrocele

A hydrocele is a swelling in the scrotum, the thin sac that holds the testicles. It happens when too much fluid builds up inside. The condition is most common in newborns, though it can happen to anyone with a scrotum.

It may sound or look serious, even painful, but it won’t hurt your baby. It might go away on its own, though you should still see the doctor about it.

15. Circumcision

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesions are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off

1. Haemorrhoids / Piles Surgery

Haemorrhoids are swollen/enlarged veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal haemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External haemorrhoids develop outside of the anus.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids include painless bleeding per rectum, pain and itching around the anus, faecal leakage and painful bowel movements. If blood pools in an external haemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in thrombosed haemorrhoids which causes severe pain where emergency surgical intervention is needed.

Treatment ranges from simple diet modification and laxatives to surgeries depending upon the stage at which patient presentation. Surgery may be open hemorrhoidectomy, which is more traditional or stapler hemorrhoidectomy, which is more popular due to advantages like less pain and discomfort.

2. Fissure in Ano

An anal fissure (fissure-in-ano) is a small tear in the mucosa that lines the opening of the anus. Fissures typically cause severe pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Fissures are quite common in the general population, but are often confused with other causes of pain and bleeding, such as haemorrhoids/piles.

The typical symptoms of an anal fissure include pain and bleeding with bowel movements, most often when you pass hard stools. Patients experience severe pain during, and especially after a bowel movement, lasting from several minutes to a few hours. Patients often notice bright red blood from the anus that can be seen on the toilet paper or on the stool. Between bowel movements, patients with anal fissures are often relatively symptom-free.

Acute fissure may be managed medically whereas chronic fissure may require surgical intervention in the form of controlled division of the part of the internal anal sphincter muscle (sphincterotomy). The success rates reported to be over 90%.

3. Fistula in Ano

An anal fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus, the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin. It usually follows an infection that didn’t heal the right way.

Majority of the times fistula is caused by an abscess. It’s rare, but they can also come from conditions like tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, or an ongoing illness that affects your bowels, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms include pain, redness, fever, swelling and discharge of blood or pus from a hole near your anus. Surgery is usually required to treat anal fistula. There are two types of surgeries available. One is a traditional open method, where the muscles around fistula cut and fistula laid open. Other is laser method, which is increasingly popular nowadays because of advantages like no cuts or no stitches, less pain and early return to normal activity.

4. Diabetic foot ulcer

Foot ulcers are most commonly occur as a complication of poorly controlled diabetes, forming as a result of skin tissue breaking down and exposing the layers underneath. They’re most common under your big toes and the balls of your feet, and they can affect your feet down to the bones.

Ulcers form due to a combination of various factors like lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation (such as friction or pressure), and trauma. The duration of diabetes also plays an important risk factor. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by increased blood glucose levels over time. The nerve damage often can occur without pain, and one may not even be aware of the problem.

All people with diabetes can develop foot ulcers and foot pain at one point in their lifetime, but good foot care can help prevent them. Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and foot pain varies depending on their causes. It ranges from simple glycemic control to amputation in severe cases. In majority of patients appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer include prevention of infection, taking the pressure off the area, called “off-loading” footwear, managing blood glucose level and surgical debridement depending on the presentation.

5. Thyroidectomy / Thyroid Surgery

A thyroidectomy is an operation that involves the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. General, endocrine or head and neck surgeons often perform a thyroidectomy when a patient has thyroid cancer or some other condition of the thyroid gland or goiter.

A thyroidectomy is traditionally a minimally invasive surgery performed through a small horizontal incision in the front of the neck. The entire thyroid gland may be removed or just a single lobe, a portion of a lobe and the isthmus or other structures. Depending on the extent of the operation, patients may need to take the drug levothyroxine, an oral synthetic thyroid hormone.

6. Excision of lumps

Excision of lumps and bumps refers to any minor procedure for skin or subdermal lesions, such as warts, moles, cysts or lipomas. These are typically undertaken under local anaesthesia in a day surgery unit.

7. Pilonidal Sinus and Abscess

A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. A pilonidal cyst usually contains hair, dirt, and debris. It can cause severe pain and can often become infected. If it becomes infected, it may ooze pus and blood and have a foul odor.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

8. Skin Grafting

Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it, or transplanting it, to a different area of the body. This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.

A PNS is a condition that mostly affects men and is also common in young adults. It’s also more common in people who sit a lot, like cab drivers.

9. Incision and Drainage for Abscess

An abscess is a confined collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. Most abscesses are found on the extremities, buttocks, breast, axilla, groin, and areas prone to friction or minor trauma, but they may be found in any area of the body. Abscesses are formed when the skin is invaded by microorganisms. Cellulitis may precede or occur in conjunction with an abscess. The two most common microorganisms leading to abscess formation are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

Treatment of an abscess is primarily through incision and drainage (I&D;). Smaller abscesses (5 mm) may resolve spontaneously with the application of warm compresses and antibiotic therapy. Larger abscesses will require I&D; as a result of an increase in collection of pus, inflammation, and formation of the abscess cavity, which lessens the success of conservative measures.

10. Wound Debridement

Debridement is the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin tissue to help a wound heal. It's also done to remove foreign material from tissue. The procedure is essential for wounds that aren't getting better. Usually, these wounds are trapped in the first stage of healing. When bad tissue is removed, the wound can restart the healing process.

11. Lymph node Biopsy

Lymph node biopsy is a test in which a lymph node or a piece of a lymph node is removed for examination under a microscope. The lymphatic system is made up of several lymph nodes connected by lymph vessels. The nodes produce white blood cells that fight infections.

12. Varicose Veins Surgery

Surgery. If endothermal ablation treatments and sclerotherapy are unsuitable for you, you'll usually be offered a surgical procedure called ligation and stripping to remove the affected veins. Varicose vein surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure.

13. Limb Amputation

Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventive surgery for such problems.

14. Surgery for Hydrocele

A hydrocele is a swelling in the scrotum, the thin sac that holds the testicles. It happens when too much fluid builds up inside. The condition is most common in newborns, though it can happen to anyone with a scrotum.

It may sound or look serious, even painful, but it won’t hurt your baby. It might go away on its own, though you should still see the doctor about it.

15. Circumcision

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesions are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off

1. Routine and advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Routine and Advanced Laparoscopic surgery is a modern technique in surgery where operations are performed far from their location through small incisions elsewhere in the body. The incisions are usually 0.5–1.5 cm.

Dr. M Vamsi Krishna offers his expertise in Routine and advanced laparoscopic surgeries in Bangalore. Compared to an open procedure, laparoscopic surgeries have many advantages which include lesser pain and blood loss due to smaller incisions, and much faster recovery time. The time one needs to spend in hospital is much lesser, thereby allowing you to bring back to normal life faster.

2. Laparoscopic appendicectomy (Appendix Surgery)

It is a surgical operation in which the appendix is removed through laparoscopic method, which is most popular, most preferred and offers many advantages over open method. Appendicectomy is normally performed as an urgent or emergency procedure to treat acute appendicitis.

Laparoscopic appendicectomy involves removal of appendix by making 3 or 4 small cuts on the abdominal wall. Patients can get discharged the next day following surgery.

3. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a surgery during which the doctor removes your gallbladder. This procedure uses several small cuts instead of one large one.

Taking the gallbladder out is usually the best way to treat gallbladder Stones. You might get some relief from changing your diet. For example, eating less fat can help. But gallstones rarely go away on their own.

4. Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernia occurs when the stomach muscles don’t join completely after cutting of the umbilical cord, and tissues bulge through this weak spot around the belly button or navel. These hernias are generally painless and don’t cause any discomfort. Majority cases of umbilical hernias will eventually close on their own. However, they will require surgery if the hernia becomes strangulated or stops blood flow to the intestine. If left untreated gangrene can develop, leading to dangerous infections.

It is best to consult doctor if the hernia bulge becomes painful, is larger than 1.5 inches in diameter and/or doesn’t reduce in size after one year.

The surgery lasts for about an hour on general anaesthesia. The bulged intestine is pushed back through the abdominal wall through an incision and the opening is closed with stitches (for children) or with mesh (for adults).

5. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

A ventral hernia is a bulge of tissues through an opening of weakness within your abdominal wall muscles. It can occur at any location on your abdominal wall. There are three types of ventral hernia:

  • Epigastric (stomach area) hernia: Occurs anywhere from just below the breastbone (clavicle) to the navel (belly button).
  • Umbilical (belly button) hernia: Occurs in the area of the belly button.
  • Incisional hernia. Develops at the site of a previous surgery. This is due to weakness at the incision site of a previous abdominal surgery. This type of hernia can occur anytime from months to years after an abdominal surgery.

Symptoms include visible lump or swelling, which becomes prominent on coughing/straining. The severity of the disease and surgical management required depends upon the size of the defect, contents of the hernia and the condition of contents. Both open and laparoscopic techniques are available to treat this condition. Laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open surgery due to its well-known advantages.

6. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair

An inguinal hernia is a weakness in the abdominal wall that is large enough to allow escape of soft body tissue or internal organ, especially a part of the intestine. It usually appears as a lump or swelling in the groin region. Symptoms range from mild pain and discomfort to pain which limits daily activities and the ability to work. If the bowel strangulates or becomes obstructed it can be life-threatening.

A hernia is repaired generally using a synthetic mesh either with open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is increasingly popular because of it less invasiveness, less postoperative discomfort and pain, early return to work and also concurrent repair of bilateral herniae.

The most common laparoscopic techniques for inguinal hernia repair are transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair and totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair. In TAPP repair, the surgeon goes into the peritoneal cavity and places a mesh in the preperitoneal plane. Whereas in TEP repair, the surgeon places a mesh in the preperitoneal plane without entering the peritoneal cavity. The choice of repair is tailored to the needs of the Individual Patient. Both techniques offer an excellent cure to the patient.

7. laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach moves upwards into the chest. If the hernia causes severe symptoms or is likely to cause complications, then hiatal hernia surgery may be required.

Not everyone who has a hiatal hernia will require surgery. Many people will be able to treat the condition with medication or lifestyle changes. However, for those who do need surgery, there is a range of procedures available, the most common being Nissen fundoplication.

However, surgery may be recommended if:

  • symptoms are severe and interfere with quality of life
  • symptoms do not respond to other treatments
  • the hernia is at risk of becoming strangulated, which is where the blood supply to the herniated tissue is cut off — a situation that can be fatal
  • symptoms include bleeding, ulcers, or narrowing of the food pipe (esophagus), which is known as an esophageal stricture

8. Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy

Varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure to repair a varicocele, a vein swelling in the scrotum. This swelling is caused by a back-up of blood in the veins. A varicocele in the scrotum may cause pain or heavy sensation but is generally painless. This may also be causing fertility issues. The swollen veins are removed during this surgery, and the ends are then closed off. Within the groin section, other veins take over holding the blood supply. This procedure can be performed either with a technique called laparoscopy or by open surgery.

A thin, lighted tube called a laparoscope is used during laparoscopic varicocele repair surgery which helps the doctor to operate through a few small incisions.

About Us

Dr. M Vamsi Krishna is a renowned and Senior Best Laparoscopic Surgeon also Gastrointestinal and General surgeon based in Bangalore. He has successfully executed more than 15,000 surgeries over a span of 15 years.

Laparoscopic Surgeon in Marathahalli

Gallbladder Surgeon in Marathahalli

Hernia Surgeon in Marathahalli

Pancreatitis Doctor in Marathahalli

Practice Locations

+91 88847-77709

Kauvery Hospital Marathahalli

23713/3, Old HAL Airport, Road,

Munnekollal Main Rd,

Marathahalli, Varthur,

Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037

Oyster Clinic, 2nd Floor, CNS Complex, Varthur Rd,
Thubarahalli, Whitefield, Bangalore

COPYRIGHT © 2022. All Rights Reserved by Dr. Vamsi Krishna

1. Routine and advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Routine and Advanced Laparoscopic surgery is a modern technique in surgery where operations are performed far from their location through small incisions elsewhere in the body. The incisions are usually 0.5–1.5 cm.

Dr. M Vamsi Krishna offers his expertise in Routine and advanced laparoscopic surgeries in Bangalore. Compared to an open procedure, laparoscopic surgeries have many advantages which include lesser pain and blood loss due to smaller incisions, and much faster recovery time. The time one needs to spend in hospital is much lesser, thereby allowing you to bring back to normal life faster.

2. Laparoscopic appendicectomy (Appendix Surgery)

It is a surgical operation in which the appendix is removed through laparoscopic method, which is most popular, most preferred and offers many advantages over open method. Appendicectomy is normally performed as an urgent or emergency procedure to treat acute appendicitis.

Laparoscopic appendicectomy involves removal of appendix by making 3 or 4 small cuts on the abdominal wall. Patients can get discharged the next day following surgery.

3. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a surgery during which the doctor removes your gallbladder. This procedure uses several small cuts instead of one large one.

Taking the gallbladder out is usually the best way to treat gallbladder Stones. You might get some relief from changing your diet. For example, eating less fat can help. But gallstones rarely go away on their own.

4. Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernia occurs when the stomach muscles don’t join completely after cutting of the umbilical cord, and tissues bulge through this weak spot around the belly button or navel. These hernias are generally painless and don’t cause any discomfort. Majority cases of umbilical hernias will eventually close on their own. However, they will require surgery if the hernia becomes strangulated or stops blood flow to the intestine. If left untreated gangrene can develop, leading to dangerous infections.

It is best to consult doctor if the hernia bulge becomes painful, is larger than 1.5 inches in diameter and/or doesn’t reduce in size after one year.

The surgery lasts for about an hour on general anaesthesia. The bulged intestine is pushed back through the abdominal wall through an incision and the opening is closed with stitches (for children) or with mesh (for adults).

5. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

A ventral hernia is a bulge of tissues through an opening of weakness within your abdominal wall muscles. It can occur at any location on your abdominal wall. There are three types of ventral hernia:

  • Epigastric (stomach area) hernia: Occurs anywhere from just below the breastbone (clavicle) to the navel (belly button).
  • Umbilical (belly button) hernia: Occurs in the area of the belly button.
  • Incisional hernia. Develops at the site of a previous surgery. This is due to weakness at the incision site of a previous abdominal surgery. This type of hernia can occur anytime from months to years after an abdominal surgery.

Symptoms include visible lump or swelling, which becomes prominent on coughing/straining. The severity of the disease and surgical management required depends upon the size of the defect, contents of the hernia and the condition of contents. Both open and laparoscopic techniques are available to treat this condition. Laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open surgery due to its well-known advantages.

6. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair

An inguinal hernia is a weakness in the abdominal wall that is large enough to allow escape of soft body tissue or internal organ, especially a part of the intestine. It usually appears as a lump or swelling in the groin region. Symptoms range from mild pain and discomfort to pain which limits daily activities and the ability to work. If the bowel strangulates or becomes obstructed it can be life-threatening.

A hernia is repaired generally using a synthetic mesh either with open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is increasingly popular because of it less invasiveness, less postoperative discomfort and pain, early return to work and also concurrent repair of bilateral herniae.

The most common laparoscopic techniques for inguinal hernia repair are transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair and totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair. In TAPP repair, the surgeon goes into the peritoneal cavity and places a mesh in the preperitoneal plane. Whereas in TEP repair, the surgeon places a mesh in the preperitoneal plane without entering the peritoneal cavity. The choice of repair is tailored to the needs of the Individual Patient. Both techniques offer an excellent cure to the patient.

7. laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach moves upwards into the chest. If the hernia causes severe symptoms or is likely to cause complications, then hiatal hernia surgery may be required.

Not everyone who has a hiatal hernia will require surgery. Many people will be able to treat the condition with medication or lifestyle changes. However, for those who do need surgery, there is a range of procedures available, the most common being Nissen fundoplication.

However, surgery may be recommended if:

  • symptoms are severe and interfere with quality of life
  • symptoms do not respond to other treatments
  • the hernia is at risk of becoming strangulated, which is where the blood supply to the herniated tissue is cut off — a situation that can be fatal
  • symptoms include bleeding, ulcers, or narrowing of the food pipe (esophagus), which is known as an esophageal stricture

8. Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy

Varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure to repair a varicocele, a vein swelling in the scrotum. This swelling is caused by a back-up of blood in the veins. A varicocele in the scrotum may cause pain or heavy sensation but is generally painless. This may also be causing fertility issues. The swollen veins are removed during this surgery, and the ends are then closed off. Within the groin section, other veins take over holding the blood supply. This procedure can be performed either with a technique called laparoscopy or by open surgery.

A thin, lighted tube called a laparoscope is used during laparoscopic varicocele repair surgery which helps the doctor to operate through a few small incisions.

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